Living creatively, love of photography, and passionate living.

My new crochet shawl.

Hey, everybody.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I seem to be having a hard time lately getting to my computer to blog.  I think it’s work and being busy and life in general getting in my way with my blogging.  But that is just how life works, isn’t it?  Maybe it’s not so much that life is “getting in my way,” but that life is just happening. 

My very good friend (we’ve known each other since Jr. High) has a mother who is dying of pancreatic cancer.  My thoughts have been with her lately.  We’ve been talking  a lot, as we do when something comes up in our lives that is so life altering, and I want to make sure that I am there for her to support her.  I made her mother a prayer shawl (which I forgot to photograph before I gave it to her) out of baby yarn that was a sherbet green.  She is so frail and only weighs about 80-something pounds–at least that was a few weeks ago.  I didn’t want to make it too heavy for her so I made it out of chain stitches with an open crochet look to it to keep it lightweight.  She loved it.  I was so glad I could make her smile.  I hope it brings her much comfort in these last days of hers. 

And then I was sick myself with what I think was food poisoning.  I was so sick I had to go to the ER.  But I’m better now.  While I was resting and getting better, I started crocheting some shawls for myself as well.  I have made three shawls in the last few weeks!  I am going to show you them all, but one at a time.

I made this shawl out of black yarn with in an open crochet pattern.  It has fringe and I can wear it many ways, as you will see.  I got all the patterns from either the internet, books, magazines or old patterns I had stashed in my project files.  You can find many yourself or make up your own.  Hope you like this one and it inspires you.  I’ll show you the second one next time!


13 responses

  1. Nice !

    September 27, 2011 at 1:03 am

    • Thank you, Emad! Will visit your photo blog soon. Love looking at others photos!

      September 27, 2011 at 1:06 am

  2. Wow, it’s beautiful! You did a great job. Love all the photos! Do you have any books you’d recommend for someone wanting to learn how to crochet?

    September 27, 2011 at 12:07 pm

    • Thanks. Honestly, there are so many out there. I started by practicing just making a chain stitch (a really long strand) just so I could get the hang of how loose or tight the stitches should be and could learn to make them uniform in size. Then I made single-crochet stitches. You could start by making a small pot-holder with a simple single-crochet stitch for practice.

      You can also look on the internet for how-to videos on making different stitches, if you need to see it being done. I find it to be quite relaxing, in that I am so focused on what I am doing that nothing else can enter my mind. Plus, in the end, you have something great to wear or use! Just be careful–it’s addictive!!!

      September 29, 2011 at 9:42 pm

      • I did it! I’m learning how to crochet! Thanks for the encouragement.

        I can do a chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, half-double crochet, triple crochet (though I don’t like that one) and am working on a basket weave stich.

        Just things in straight lines, now. Nothing so beautiful as your shawl!

        Oh my. It’s quite addictive. 🙂

        October 11, 2011 at 9:27 am

      • Oh, wonderful! Your on your way now! Won’t be long before your making blankets and scarves for your family. You’re right, it’s addictive. But it’s a healthy, productive, and creative addiction.

        October 31, 2011 at 1:39 am

  3. Good advice — thanks!

    October 3, 2011 at 11:49 pm

  4. Hey Rita, lovely shawl! You’re so creative on so many fronts. I was thinking I’d like to learn how to knit, but was remembering how frustrating it was when I was a teenager. Maybe I’d be more patient now.

    October 5, 2011 at 10:19 am

    • I do find crocheting to be very relaxing. Sometimes, I get frustrated when trying to start a project because instructions can be confusing and I can’t make heads or tails of why in the world I have to do all the “beginning stuff”. But then I just stick with it till it becomes easy, sort of rythmic even, and I become calm again. Mostly, I get anxious to see how it will turn out! You know, if it will be like I imagined and wanted it to be.

      I would say try that knitting. I’m sure you can do it, and you’ll be so proud of anything you make!

      October 10, 2011 at 10:24 pm

  5. Love it!!! So sorry about your food poisoning. I had it once and thought I was dying. Thank heavens for Phenergan!

    October 18, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    • Thanks. And you are so right about that medicine!

      October 31, 2011 at 1:41 am

  6. Annalee

    I’d love to see this pattern

    December 30, 2015 at 8:54 am

  7. i LOVE your shawl…..wish you had a pattern for it… seems to look exactly like what i been looking for…..i am a bigger girl and have been battling thyroid cancer, had my thyroid removed in 2014 and the changes to my body are unbelievable…i sweat profusely and the drs seem to think this is ok so i been wearing super long cotton maxi skirts as a dress and was looking for somehting like this to cover my bra straps a bit……

    August 16, 2016 at 5:13 pm

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